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Qi and Grace: An Embodied Lord’s Prayer

by Kaleo and Elise Ching and Rev. Steve Harms


Speaking in chorus with the 2,000 year old utterance of Jesus’ “Our Father” prayer and moving in harmony with the ancient practice of Qigong, Abba-Imma Qigong blends Judeo-Christian and Daoist/Chinese Medicine wisdom and compassion for self and others. This embodied Lord’s Prayer invokes and honors Abba-Imma, the Father-Mother God, the Divine Source, the Universal Spirit. It enhances your intimacy with the Divine beyond and within.”Qi and Grace: An Embodied Lord’s Prayer” reveals the meaning and practice of Abba-Imma Qigong. It includes Reverend Steve Harms’ explanations of the linguistic and historical contexts for his revitalized wording of the Lord’s Prayer and photos with instructions of the Abba-Imma Qigong form by Kaleo Ching. View the free accompanying Qigong video at or

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